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We can provide experts in a variety of disciplines, are experienced professionals, as being leading authorities in the interpretation of products standards, regulations and identifications of cause of failure.

Experts witness testimony can be provided to confirm the results of any testing or investigate work carried out.
  • Risk managements
  • Develop insurance programs
  • Manage insurance and re-insurance programs
If you have any ideas for new services which IMC could develop or perhaps you require a specialist service which is not part of our standard portfolio please contact us

Transport, Logistic and Insurance
We thoroughly understand the complex and dynamic world of transportation and logistics. We know how to achieve exceptional quality standards, deliver unmatched client service, and save our clients money, time, and resources.
We can identify and evaluate your organization's exposures to accidental Casualty and Property losses and compare your exposure to of your current programs and coverage. We will evaluate your safety practices and insurance programs in terms of efficiency, adequacy, and cost effectiveness. Our experts will evaluate the transference or acceptance of contractual risks by your organization. They will develop recommendations for eliminating, reducing, and controlling contractual risk exposures.